Opportunities to Fully Participate in Parish Life
And the king will say to them in reply, "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for
one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.
~Matthew 25:40
Our Call to Protect
All volunteers, employees, clergy (priests and deacons) who serve in any parish ministry, group, club, or liturgy will only
do so AFTER they have been processed through our Diocesan / Parish Safe Environment Program, received a High-Level
Clearance, and completed Safe Environment training.
Altar servers, both youth and adult, assist the presider and deacon at liturgy, giving their attention to various tasks including assisting with the book of prayers, setting and clearing the altar, and taking care of the candles, incense and processional cross. They know the order of liturgy and serve with grace and reverence.
Training is provided for this ministry. For information, please contact the parish office at 520-432-5753.
The Art and Environment Ministers help us celebrate the liturgical seasons of the church. Their careful attention to detail ensures that our worship space is always beautiful and appropriately decorated for each liturgy and special celebration. They have a knowledge and understanding of the sacraments, rites, liturgical seasons, feasts and the devotional life of the church
If you are interested in assisting with this important ministry, please contact the parish office 520-432-5753.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass are lay people trained by the parish to assist the presiding priest in distributing Holy Communion during Sunday and weekday liturgies.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick are lay people sent forth by the parish to bring the Word of God and the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to join us at Sunday or weekday Mass because they are ill, homebound, in nursing homes, or in local care facilities.
The greeters and ushers help to set the tone for our liturgies as they greet arriving worshipers. They are the first faces arriving worshipers see, and they make sure that there are no strangers among us.
There is no age restriction for hospitality ministers. They must be comfortable welcoming all who enter for worship, and must be attentive to any special needs of the day.
Please contact the parish office at 520-432-5753 if you are interested in this ministry.
The Lectors proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ during the Liturgy of the Word, making God present to the gathered worshiping community. Persons interested in this ministry should contact the parish office at 520-432-5753.
Music Ministers in a parish help those assembled for worship to pray, using their powerful ministry to unite a group of individuals into a single body. Additional members of our Music Ministry Team -- instrumentalists, cantors, and choir members-- are always needed and welcomed. To discuss how you can become part of the music ministry team, please contact the parish office at 520-432-5753.
The important duties of the Sacristan help ensure that all members of the worshipping community are able to take their active part in a eucharistic celebration.
The parish Board of Directors is comprised of the Bishop of Tucson, the Pastor, the Moderator of the Curia, and two Lay Directors elected by the parishioners every three years.
The Finance Council is made up of parishioners from both St. Patrick Church and St. Michael Mission which are appointed by the parish administrator. It is an advisory group whose duty is to assist the Pastor and Parish Administrator in the administration of the property and finances of the Parish. The Council assists with preparation of the annual parish budget, and reviews all monthly and annual financial statements, revenues and expenditures.
The Parish Pastoral Council, or PPC, was established as directed by the Diocese of Tucson and as permitted by the Code of Canon Law # 536. The PPC is an advisory, not a decision-making body. The group works with the Pastor and Parish Administrator, offering their wisdom, vision, and spirituality to ensure that the mission of the Parish is carried out effectively.
The PPC consists of twelve parishioners representative of the congregations of St. Patrick Church and St. Michael Mission. In their pastoral planning mission, they consider the concerns and needs of the Parish and parishioners, both now and in the future.
Pastoral council members are appointed by the parish administrator. Any registered parishioner interested in serving on the Pastoral Council should contact the parish office at 520-432-5753
We rely on volunteers to keep the grounds around our buildings neat and clean. If you have a green thumb, or are simply willing to offer assistance or provide supplies, your help will be most appreciated. Please contact the parish office at 520-432-5753.
Our parish women's club is an active parish group that has been supportive of the parish for nearly a century.
Our very active St. Vincent de Paul conference provides an excellent example of "walking with Jesus every day." They serve large numbers of friends in our comnmunity.
The Detention Ministers provide a Catholic presence to the incarcerated at the Cochise County Jail Facility in Bisbee AZ.
Our Gift Shop has seen many improvements and much more business in the last year or two as it has become a popular community place to shop. A good place to shop---and to volunteer!
Our parish usually has one main fundraiser each year in the form of a Fall Festival in early October. Other fundraisers, yard sales, fish frys, bingo games, etc. are held periodically as collaborative efforts of the various parish organizations. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.!