2025 Annual Catholic Appeal

2025 Annual Catholic Appeal

Diocese of Tucson/St. Patrick Parish-Bisbee

Campaña Católica Anual 2025

Funds from the Annual Catholic Appeal have greatly helped St. Patrick Parish.   See the details here.

This video produced by the Catholic Foundation gives us a good summary of the support provided by the Catholic Foundation. Video may be viewed here.

The support of the Annual Catholic Appeal by St. Patrick Parish (St. Patrick Church and St. Michael Mission) is an integral part of the Diocesan-wide campaign. Our contributions support the good works of 26 ministries and charities and 77 parishes in Southern Arizona. Our parishioners join all Catholics in the Diocese of Tucson as the hands, feet, and heart of Christ to everyone in our communities in need.

Countless lives will be touched by every contribution to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal. Your gift impacts every neighborhood, every community, every parish in all eleven vicariates that make up the Diocese of Tucson. Your gift helps parents seeking education for their children, families who are hungry, couples preparing for marriage, teens learning about their faith, priests in retirement, seminarians in formation, and so much more.

The impact in Southern Arizona of assistance from the Diocese of Tucson is tremendous. Your gift of any size is important. Together we are the hands, feet, and heart of Christ. We are together in His Service.

The ACA represents over half of the support needed to fund the diocesan ministries each year. The Bishop asks Catholics in the Diocese to generously support these important and on-going ministries that provide educational, pastoral, and charitable outreach to those living in the Diocese, by giving to the ACA.

When He looked up He saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and He noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, "I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood."
                   Luke 21:1-4


St. Patrick Parish Weekly Report

          March 21, 2025             

Parish / Mission Goal $ 20,340
Donors 36
Pledged $ 16,181
% of Goal 80 %
Balance needed $ 4,159
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