Thursday 10 a.m. - noon
We are a 502-(c)3 tax exempt organ-ization. Your donation is eligible for the Arizona tax dollar for dollar credit.
St. Vincent de Paul-Bisbee Conference has been serving our friends in the Bisbee community for a number of years. We distribute food and offer other assistance. In order to help our friends, we welcome non-perishable food donations, which may be left in the Parish Hall (basement of the church) on Wednesdays or Thursdays between 10 a.m. & noon, or left anytime in the St. Patrick Church narthex. We also welcome monetary donations.
We distribute non-perishable food items, such as Mac and Cheese, Ramen, cereal, rice, dried beans and pasta, as well as canned goods such as pasta sauce, fruit, beans, soup, canned tuna and meat and vegetables. At times we are able to distribute fresh produce, eggs and meat.
The Food Bank is located in the St. Patrick Church Parish Hall. . The Food Bank is open every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until noon (or call 503-750-4522). Requests for other services may be made during Food Bank hours.
Our food and other aid is available to all our friends, regardless of religious affiliation or any other consideration.
Our meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at the Food Bank Office at 5:30 p.m. Any changes in schedule are noted in the church bulletin. We welcome volunteers and visitors at the Food Bank and at the meetings.
Donations may be given to St. Vincent de Paul - Bisbee Conference using the church website Online Giving option for St. Vincent de Paul. If you wish your contribution to be a memorial donation, indicate that in the "notes" section provided.
St. Vincent de Paul - Bisbee Conference also benefits from the Fry's Food Stores Community Rewards program. Be sure you have your Fry's card registered.