The Diocese of Tucson under the leadership of Bishop Weisenburger remains committed to protecting our community against all forms of abuse and responding appropriately. The mission of the Diocese of Tucson "Safe Environment Program" is to ensure the safety of children, young people and vulnerable who have been entrusted to our care in our parishes, schools, religious education classes, and other programs.
We pursue this mission in the following ways:
Parish Compliance Representative
Deacon Tony Underwood,
Parish Administrator
Phone (928) 228-0258
Our Call to Protect
All volunteers, employees, clergy (priests and deacons) who serve in any parish ministry, group, club, or liturgy will only do so AFTER they have been processed through our Diocesan / Parish Safe Environment Program, received a High-Level Clearance, and completed Safe Environment training.
We all have a duty to protect the vulnerable.