Parish Flocknotes and Bulletins
Third Sunday of Lent
Despite our many technological achievements, a free, generous, loving response to God's initiative is still the only "fruit" we can bear for him that he cannot procure himself. This is the fruit which the fig tree in Jesus' Gospel parable is meant to produce. If we truly desire and seek this relationship, God will reveal himself to us so that, no matter our stage or state of life, we can bear this fruit even now.
Second Sunday of Lent
Lent is inherently a season of waiting for the fulfillment of a promise. In our own lives, we may be aching for transformation, perhaps for outselves, or for another. Remember: God enters deeply into our lives, dwelling so intimately with us that he syncs his every breath with ours. Take the next week to think and pray about how the Lord may be asking you to be transformed. Pray today's Psalm each day, and "Wait for the Lord with courage."
First Sunday of Lent
The Lenten season is meant to be a "desert" in which we, like Jesus, confront temptation. It is not a self-improvement program; it is an opportunity to reject sins, habits, and attitudes which keep us distant from God so that we can give a wholehearted "yes" to his plan for our lives.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Few of us have perfect uncorrected 20/20 vision in each eye. So why do we assume that we have perfect uncorrected "vision" of good and bad, of who's at fault or who's to blame? It is far more important to overcome our own imperfections than to waste time judging or denouncing others. We can then devote ourselves to the work of the Lord, bearing good fruit out of the goodness that God nurtures in our hearts.
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Love your enemies" is an often quoted scripture verse. Thomas Merton, American theologan, cautions us not to assume that our enemy is an enemy of God just because he is your enemy. Perhaps he is your enemy precisely because he can find nothing in you that gives glory to God. Perhaps he fears you because he can find nothing in you of God's love and God's kindness and God's patience and mercy and understanding of the weakness of men.
Who I label as enemy may say more about me than about them.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus praises poverty, hunger, sadness, and rejection, but certainly not as ends in themselves; God does not take pleasure in our suffering; He uses it to awaken us to our need for him. Today the Gospel reminds us to allow everything - including our difficulties, disappointments, and unfulfilled desires - to turn our hearts to God and rely on his loving care.
Some special information -- funeral announcements, Sunday readings and Worship Aides, and Daily Reflections are available on an opt-in basis and are sent when appropriate.
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